In general, copyright laws are very useful. I think they're helpful because we should give credit to the original creator of music, movies, pictures, etc. The rules that lie under Fair Use make perfect sense when it comes to educators distributing information to students. Also, it is typically not difficult to give citation for different items. The only thing I feel they could change when it comes to citation is making it simpler and more accessible. For example, the general citation for a book or magazine or article could be included when it is published. This would make it more likely that works are cited because the hardest part is finding the information to put in the citation.
Although I do believe copyright laws are good as a whole, I think there are some that could be adjusted. I don't think it should be against copyright laws to watch a movie outside with a group of people or even on a laptop. Maybe I don't fully understand the law, or if this is even a copyright issue. But it seems like showing a movie in a public area to your friends isn't any different than watching it in a home. It's not like you are making a copy of a movie and distributing it do everyone. There is the possibility that someone might not go buy a movie because of doing this, but it is also as likely that someone could go out and buy the movie after watching it with their friends. As I said, copyright laws are good, but I do feel that some could be relaxed a little.
I agree that some copyright laws need to be modified. As for showing a movie in a public place, I think I can give some clarification. If you as a regular person watched a movie outside, say at the park, it would not violate copyright because it is still personal use. But, if there is a church sponsored activity then its a public event (no matter where it takes place) because it is not being presented by an individual. Does that make sense?